Worship Playlist Part Two

When everything around me feels heavy and I realize I’ve being carrying burdens God wants to carry for me, the first step is to change what I am listening to. Negative thoughts and worries have a harder time consuming me as I sing of God’s glory. That’s what worship does. It properly reorients me in relation to God. It helps to ground me. It lifts my face off myself and onto Jesus. It reminds me of what is true.

A few years ago, I posted a worship playlist (you can find that here). Here is part two, an invitation to sit in a posture of worship and reorient your heart and your day.

2. Keith and Kristyn Getty (with Matt Poppa and Matt Boswell) - Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

3. Steffany Gretzinger - There Is None Like You

4. Kristian Stanfill, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, and Anna Golden (From Passion) - What He’s Done

5. Chris Tomlin - Holy Forever


Digging Deeper Into Isaiah 8


Wrapped in Love